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Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Chinese Paladin 5 Episode 2 Recap

Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recapHan Dong Jun in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2
"If a person becomes neither human nor ghost, should it keep on living?", ponders Tang Yu Rou (Gu Li Na Zha) following a thoughtful conversation about an evil that turns humans into monsters.

She takes out her flute and plays an emotion filled melody that evokes Jiang Yun Fan's (Elvis Han) memories of his mother. Just as he did as a child, Yun Fan promises that he will stay by her side and that there is hope in everything. Surprised at the sudden words of comfort, Yu Rou denies feeling sad and stresses that she is simply playing music.

Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recap

Han Dong Jun in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 Gu Li Na Zha in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2
Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recapChinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recap
On the way home, Yun Fan and Yu Rou become increasingly anxious that they are being followed, which is true enough as a ginormous gorilla appears in their midst.

Yu Rou orders Yun Fan to grab her hand, earning a silly smile from him at the thought of warranted intimacy. She uses her powers to fly themselves to safety and a fight ensues until Yu Rou stuffs a magical herb down the gorilla's throat to reveal nothing but an unassuming man. 

Gu Li Na Zha in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2
Yu Rou attempts to tend Yun Fan's wounds only to realize that it has already healed. Yun Fan admits to having a unique ability and boasts that he has never been sick, saving his godfather loads of medical bills.

Back at camp, Yun Fan pulls a classic Yun Fan by exaggerating his role in the fight, much to everyone's excitement except for Cai Wei who remains skeptical.

Joe Cheng in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recap
While Yun Fan is out hunting, a shadow attacks and it turns out to be the gorilla man from before. Fortunately, Long You (Joe Cheng) arrives in time to defeat him and his eyes flash with a hint of recognition upon seeing the gorilla man in possession of a certain glowing stone.

Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recap

Yun Fan is impressed by his savior's fighting skills and they exchange niceties that consist mostly of Long You's stoic glares and one liners. When asked what he would like as a thank you, Long You utters, "water." 

They walk to a nearby stream where Long You gulps down water like it's the best thing in the world. And of course, no scene is complete without the quintessential bath scene.

Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2 recap

Gu Li Na Zha in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2Elvis Han in Chinese Paladin 5 episode 2
Cai Wei is still perturbed over Yu Rou's identity so she drags Yun Fan to sneak a peek. However, they're both in for a shock when something comes bursting through Yu Rou's door and neither of them notice that it is none other than a blown up version of Yu Rou.

Apparently, her transformation from petite to gigantic is her best kept secret and also the reason why her father captured eight men as sacrificial lambs to rid Yu Rou of her affliction.

Given that Cai Wei fell unconscious after seeing the thing come out of Yu Rou's chambers, the bandits begin to suspect Yu Rou.

Comments: Aww, the episode is cute if you don't take it too seriously. Though I gotta say, what message is it trying to send? Yu Rou doesn't look like a monster at all, bigger yes, but at the end of the day, it's still her. It's a pun on Shrek and Fiona, I suppose.

Chinese Paladin 5 Episode 1

Gulnezer Bextiyar and Elvis Han in Chinese Paladin 5 Yun Zhi Fan

Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Imperial Doctress Episode 25-29 Highlights

Introducing the first half of the penultimate arc in Imperial Doctress 女医明妃传, detailing Ye Xian's (Yuan Wen Kang) arrival, the war and Qi Zhen (Wallace Huo) and Yun Xian's (Liu Shi Shi) eventual captivity.

The story is fairly predictable and the opening credits, a dead giveaway of what's to come, yet the process to get there was so painstakingly frustrating.

Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Ye Xian is an envoy from Wa La, testing the limits with his relentless provocations and exacerbating the discord between Qi Zhen and his stepmother. As the emperor, Qi Zhen responds with an iron fist that results in Ye Xian's uprise against the Ming Dynasty. 

The powerful Ming could have crushed Wa La but through the help of a mysterious strategist, Ye Xian wins, taking over a number of Ming cities in the process.

Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Meanwhile, it is business as usual for the baddies. Duke Wang manipulates Empress Dowager to continue her tirades with Qi Zhen, opposing Qi Zhen in everything including Qi Yu and Yun Xian's wedding. 

Eunuch Wang covets military power so he hastens the Ming army's defeat in order for Qi Zhen to seize control.

Wang Meilin (Gina Jin) and her father Duke Wang manage to coerce Qi Yu (Huang Xuan) into marrying Meilin much to Yun Xian's dismay; yet Yun Xian can't exactly blame Qi Yu because he did it to save her father from a conspiracy that Duke Wang cooked up. 

Liu Shi Shi in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
It's absurd that the good guys are playing right into the hands of the baddies without the slightest cognition that they are being played. Yun Xian is no exception, falling prey to Meilin's threats and about to end her life in exchange for her family and Empress Qian's (Lin Cheng Yuan) safety. 

Meilin is obviously conniving enough to make good on her threats, but surely, suicide couldn't have been the answer. Empress Qian knocks some sense into Yun Xian and sneaks her out of the palace to join Qi Zhen's troops as a military doctor.

Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Yuan Wen Kang in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
But oh my goodness Qi Zhen turns out to be a total failure as a general. His army left grossly unprepared and majority started getting sick on the first day, thanks to heavy rain and insufficient cover.

To make matters worse, Qi Zhen takes Eunuch Wang's ill advices at every turn, scrimping on medicine when they shouldn't. Yun Xian saves the day as expected, since the entire series serves as testament to her talent as a doctor. 

However, solving the problem certainly doesn't change the fact that Qi Zhen is incredibly rash, impudent and arrogant, which are deadly qualities to have in battle. Surprisingly, they're winning; or should I say unsurprisingly because it is clearly a trap, which is why his Wa La enemies were laughing atop their high horses.

Only Yun Xian and General Fan felt suspicious and while they plead for Qi Zhen to listen, Ye Xian's army strikes, burning their food supply in an instant with a message that says, "The Ming Dynasty emperor has no plan or strategy..," I seriously couldn't agree more.

Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Liu Shi Shi in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
It's like watching a series of unfortunate events unfold and it's actually painful to see the much-loved hero from previous episodes relegated to an annoying character capable only of stupid decisions, one after the other. 

Yun Xian berates Qi Zhen and he kicks and screams like a child claiming that it wasn't just his wounded pride on the line. He had to pursue Ye Xian's army because they burned everything. I wish someone could spell out to him that his notion is ridiculous because tiring his own soldiers to death in a blind chase is not going to bring back the food that was already burned to a crisp.

Qi Zhen shouts, "Do you think I'm incompetent?" to which Yun Xian replies, "incompetence is not measured by words but by action." Yes, so true.

It was really only a matter of time before Qi Zhen ends up at the feet of his enemy. Eunuch Wang dies for his treachery and Cheng Shi San returns as the villain behind the war.

Yuan Wen Kang in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Imperial Doctress, a 2016 Chinese historical drama
Imperial Doctress Episode 1
Imperial Doctress Episode 2-7
Imperial Doctress Episode 8-13
Imperial Doctress Episode 14-20
Imperial Doctress Episode 21-24 

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Princess Jieyou Episode 3 Recap

Is Princess Jieyou a light-hearted affair rather than a serious historical drama? Whatever it turns out to be, I'm loving the humor thus far.

Jieyou (Zhang Xinyi) agrees to lead the way on the condition that the Xiong Nu general release them once they find water. Wong Gui (Yuan Hong) enlists Jieyou's help to steal his dagger back, turning up the sweet talk and showering her with praise.

Jieyou asks what's in it for her and Wong Gui answers, "I can only offer myself," which earns an incredulous laugh from Jieyou who retorts, "Fine, once I get the dagger back, you're mine."

After the Xiong Nu has had their fill and the dagger reclaimed, Jieyou and Wong Gui prepare to leave. However, the general reneges on his promise and makes a move on Jieyou, causing the two to make a run for it. 

They return safely to the circus troupe, thanks to a foresight by Jieyou to drug the general and his soldiers. Alas, Jieyou's pendant goes missing, the very same one that Wong Gui almost pawned in the previous episode. Ah Cai explains the pendant's significance since it is the only keepsake Jieyou has from her parents. Wong Gui assures Jieyou that he will find it, even leaving his dagger as a token of good faith while Ah Cai looks on with a tinge of jealousy.

What are the chances of the general picking up Jieyou's tiny pendant across a vast land of sand and dust? Apparently, quite high. The general keeps the pendant and seeks to cause more trouble by sending a sketch of Wong Gui's dagger along with the words indicating that whoever has the dagger is a Xiong Nu spy. This does not bode well for Jieyou who is in possession of said dagger and she is thrown into prison as a result.

Meanwhile, Wong Gui follows the general to a gambling den and he was close to recovering the pendant until their game is abruptly disrupted by a military inspection. Wong Gui seizes the opportunity to create a diversion, simultaneously motioning to the Xiong Nu general, "Big Brother, run, I'll cover you!" Outed as the spy, the pissed off general runs but not before realizing that he's been played by Wong Gui once again.

Our bickering couple reunite at their own execution given that both of them are sentenced to death for treason. Wong Gui manages to eke out a yes from Jieyou to marry him on the grounds that it's better to die as a couple than not. But of course, they don't die and as if becoming another person, Wong Gui stands tall and reclaims his identity as General Wong Gui of Wusun.

General Li apologizes for the misunderstanding and he invites everyone to his home. He also recognizes Jieyou's pendant, thereby letting her know that the truth behind her identity might lie with someone in the capital.

Comments: Yuan Hong is killing it and his range of expressions that are sometimes animated sometimes fierce, priceless. I've seen him as Yang Kang, Shen An, the 13th Prince and probably more but his portrayal as Wong Gui is becoming an easy favorite. 

I like the characters and their kindred ways that fit well in a story that's been mostly carefree. In hindsight, I'm actually not so thrilled to move to the confines of the palace, which I surmise is where we're headed since Jieyou is Princess Jieyou.

Princess Jieyou Episode 1
Princess Jieyou Episode 2

Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Princess Jieyou Episode 2 Recap

The second episode might have been devoid of action but at the heart of it is the bickering interactions between two people with sizzling chemistry. I realize belatedly that Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi are a real life couple, adding to the cuteness overload.

Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi in Princess Jieyou

After a painful procedure that's a cross between hilarious and cringeworthy, Wong Gui (Yuan Hong) lives to see another day. Jieyou (Zhang Xinyi) is genuinely curious about her unwitting patient so she sneaks a peek only to be caught off guard when he pulls her in a giant hug, letting go only when she threatened to hit him where it hurts.

Jieyou demands to know Wong Gui's identity given that the first time she saw him, he was killing people and the second time, he was almost killed. Jieyou shares that she is an orphan and Wong Gui admits that he hails from Wusun albeit under the guise of a merchant. She goes to sleep like it's nothing until he reminds her that she is still on his bed.

Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi in Princess Jieyou
Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi in Princess Jieyou
Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi in Princess Jieyou
The next day, Wong Gui comes bearing barbecue sticks full of scorpions as his roundabout way to relay his intention to stay with the group.

Days pass and they discover that Wong Gui is a complete drunk who is more of a freeloader than anything else. Refusing to be taken advantage of any longer, Jieyou and the circus members trick an incoherent Wong Gui into signing his life away such that he wakes up relegated to circus property. 

Jieyou volunteers almost too excitedly to be his teacher, unleashing her sadistic streak in the most ingenious of punishments. 

Yuan Hong and Zhang Xinyi in Princess Jieyou

Wong Gui is about to do laundry when he finds Jieyou's jade pendant among her clothes. Looking to make a quick buck, he hurries to the pawnshop but Jieyou stealthily steals her prized possession back, luring Wong Gui further by insinuating that her pendant is nothing compared to circus leader's treasures.

I'm not really sure why Wong Gui, the hero, would stoop to thievery but he falls for the bait and a disappointed troupe readies to send him to jail. On their way, Wong Gui observes a desert storm approaching and his expertise comes in handy in bringing everyone to safety.

Zhang Xinyi in Chinese historical drama Princess Jieyou
Yuan Hong in Chinese historical drama Princess Jieyou
The circus members begin to panic when Jieyou fails to return from her search for water. Wong Gui eventually catches up to a Jieyou on the brink of death and he proves his abilities as he allows an old horse to lead the way, knowing that an experienced military horse would remember the places with water.

Jieyou is positively impressed, releasing him from his chains and Wong Gui bids her farewell. In what I consider the shortest separation ever, Wong Gui is instantaneously captured by the Xiong Nu barbarians and they take his dagger.

Hopelessly outnumbered, Wong Gui has no choice but to accompany them to the water source, ultimately returning to Jieyou. He earns a well-deserved bitch slap from her because, well, he technically led the baddies straight to her. 

Yuan Hong in Chinese historical drama Princess Jieyou

Comments: I feel like we barely scratched the surface in terms of the actual storyline but I appreciate the time spent on character development.

Wong Gui is shaping up to be an atypical hero, unafraid to get down and dirty when he needs to. His actions are not exactly anything to be proud of but I like that he's never pretentious. Besides, episode 1 showed off Wong Gui, the courageous general, so to see his other sides is quite refreshing.

As for Jieyou, she is the opposite of a damsel in distress, which is probably why Wong Gui didn't think twice about leading the baddies back to her.

She is one dominant lady that I almost felt bad for Wong Gui. I say almost because those scenes where she tortures him were fairly entertaining. It's not a one-sided dynamic either because he is equally capable of paying her back in kind, all in good fun. That said, I am glad that the Xiong Nu appeared because it is about time to get on with the show.

Princess Jieyou Episode 1
Princess Jieyou Episode 3

Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Imperial Doctress Episode 21-24 Highlights

It's official, Yun Xian (Liu Shi Shi) is a 6th-ranking Imperial Doctress appointed by the emperor and acknowledged by the Medicinal Bureau.

Yun Xian achieves her first victory as an imperial doctress, defeating fellow doctor Cheng Cun Xia despite being the underdog. I honestly thought that there was hope for Cun Xia who seemed straight as an arrow, ambitious but determined to do right by his craft. 

Yet his character is on a downwards spiral, thanks to his evil uncle Cheng Shi San. In hindsight, Cheng Cun Xia chose the wrong path from the very beginning so it's no surprise that he is progressively worse.

Yun Xian and Qi Yu (Huang Xuan) fall into a familiar pattern of fighting, then making up while Emperor Qi Zhen (Wallace Huo) remains Yun Xian's forever friend and confidante.

The contrast is evident with Qi Zhen ready to go against an entire court on Yun Xian's behalf while Qi Yu is first to point a finger at Yun Xian the minute things go astray. Even though Qi Yu and Yun Xian's misunderstandings are largely caused by the baddies, the means certainly do not justify the end.

There are tons of WTF moments and even Qi Zhen is not exempt. He is smart for the most part yet painstakingly dumb when it's convenient. It is almost an endless cycle of scheming between Empress Dowager (Qi Zhen's stepmom) and the Emperor and I hate to see Qi Zhen so easily manipulated.

When Qi Zhen's pregnant wife objects to killing Duke Wang, Qi Zhen's hot-headedness gets in the way and he ends up pushing her accidentally. The thing is, it is already the second time Qi Zhen hurt someone, the first being Empress Dowager who fell into a short-lived coma after the incident.

Fortunately, Yun Xian knocks some sense into the guilt-ridden Qi Zhen and their heartfelt conversation brings about a straight up confession. Qi Zhen declares his feelings for Yun Xian, admittedly saying that he secretly rejoiced over Qi Yu and Yun Xian's relationship problems. He chides himself for it but he wants to know whether Yun Xian ever felt the same way.

I don't believe for a second that Yun Xian doesn't have feelings for him but alas, she claims she doesn't. It was an emotionally charged scene and my goodness, why can't these two just get together. 

Karma is indeed a bitch and Cheng Shi San gets his comeuppance after Yun Xian learns that he was the culprit responsible for murdering Empress Dowager's unborn child decades ago.

Furious over the betrayal, Empress Dowager demands Cheng Shi San's execution and he is subsequently stabbed in a seemingly sudden end to a long-running case. 

His takedown was akin to a series of mindless coincidences that started because of plagiarism of all things. Yes, he plagiarized Yun Xian's book,  got caught, accused her of murdering another concubine's royal baby, busted, only to out himself in the end as the man who tricked Yun Xian as a child to pouring poison into the then Empress' medicine. The resolution felt hurried that it was anything but eventful and it was never really made clear what his motivations were. Nonetheless, I guess a win is a win.

Imperial Doctress First Look
Imperial Doctress Episode 2-7
Imperial Doctress Episode 8-13
Imperial Doctress Episode 14-20
Imperial Doctress Episode 25-29

Imperial Doctress Episode 14-20 Summary

Imperial Doctress 女医·明妃传 is back in full force as Yun Xian (Liu Shi Shi) finally musters the courage to reclaim her identity. After all, what's an imperial doctress without the palace? 

ep16 scene in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama

The attack on her family shakes Yun Xian to the core and she decides to remain 'dead', resulting in some few episodes that I conveniently fast forwarded. She finds solace with a traveling circus and meets a teacher adept at medicinal food (Jewel in the Palace?!?!) and Zhu You 祝由 (a peculiar form of healing).

Her time away has made her stronger and better, so she leaves for the palace with renewed confidence to return to Qi Yu (Huang Xuan) and to become the first female doctor of her generation. 

Prejudice rears its ugly head as Yun Xian is ostracized and her skills discounted based on gender alone. But of course, Yun Xian turns out to be the only doctor to cure the ailing Empress Dowager, easily proving that women are just as capable as men.

ep17 scene in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama
ep17 scene in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama
With success comes jealousy such that Yun Xian is framed for an offense that she did not commit. Not to worry because Emperor Qi Zhen (Wallace Huo) happens to be strolling around the area to save the damsel in distress.

In a scene oddly reminiscent of another palace drama called Chronicle of Life, the emperor takes the unconscious heroine away who wakes to find the man before her belatedly admitting, "I am the emperor." Eeeepppp, ahhhhh, yesssss! It's so cliche but I have been counting down to this very moment.

Unfortunately, Empress Qian (Li Cheng Yuan) is quick to bring along Qi Yu so that the rightful couple can reunite and I cry at the sight of a complicated love square.

Wallace Huo in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama
Li Cheng Yuan in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama
Liu Shi Shi and Huang Xuan in Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama

The first course of business is Qi Yu and Yun Xian's wedding and a major hurdle to their relationship comes in the face of Consort Dowager Wu, Qi Yu's power-hungry mother.

It soon becomes apparent that Yun Xian chose the wrong man because Qi Yu is an all out mama's boy. From asking Yun Xian to change her name to pressuring her to give up her patients, Qi Yu's unreasonable demands pile up and his casual remarks unintentionally hurtful. Sure, Qi Yu's motivations are misguided by a mother that is pretending to be gravely ill, but to refuse to believe Yun Xian even after she blatantly tells him the truth is beyond me.

Thank goodness for Yun Xian's unwavering resolve. She promptly defends her craft, going as far as to point out that Consort Dowager Wu wouldn't even be alive if not for her. 

Even Yun Xian's handmaiden's words ring true, questioning why Yun Xian is forcing a marriage with Qi Yu when the Emperor is so much better anyway. I agree 100% that she should back out while she still can but Yun Xian then makes a ridiculous vow that she will die a terrible death should she ever develop inappropriate feelings for Emperor Qi Zhen.

Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama
Last but not the last is one of my favorite arcs that features the Imperial Doctor Exam. Yun Xian crams many long nights to fulfill her dream of becoming a full-fledged doctor only to realize that the exam has been rigged to fail. 

Nevertheless, Yun Xian manages to pass with flying colors stumping Cheng Shi San and his nephew Cheng Cun Xia and impressing everyone else. Yet, the extent of the evil duo's wtfery really can't be underestimated as the final task proves to be much too humiliating that Head Doctor Liu Ping An intervened. 

Did I say how much I like Head Doctor Liu? He tells Yun Xian to stop because even if she gets in, she will just be mistreated by the very same people that do not want her there. It doesn't matter that people look down on her because he doesn't. Head Doctor Liu promised to accept only the best doctors and he offers to bring her under his tutelage because she is undoubtedly brilliant in her own right.

I love that Doctor Liu goes on to tell Cheng Cun XIa to shut up as he was objecting and for Cheng Shi San to stay out of his business.

ep 20 scene from Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama

ep 20 scene from Imperial Doctress starring Liu Shi Shi and Wallace Huo
ep 20 scene from Imperial Doctress, a Chinese palace drama

Imperial Doctress First Look
Imperial Doctress Ep 2-7
Imperial Doctress Ep 8-13
Imperial Doctress Ep 21-24
